Corporate Partnerships
We work closely with our Australian and International corporate partners so that communities in Africa are provided with world class medical care.
Our gratitude to the following partners for continuing to support this important work.

Gizele was a young woman, married and looking forward to the birth of her child. Today she is 48, divorced and childless.
With emergency obstetric care, her life would have been very different. The pain of losing her son in childbirth and her obsteric fistula as a result of a difficult labour led to years of physical pain and anguish. This is her story.
Community Fundraiser
Gizele was a young woman, married and looking forward to the birth of her child. Today she is 48, divorced and childless.
With emergency obstetric care, her life would have been very different. The pain of losing her son in childbirth and her obsteric fistula as a result of a difficult labour led to years of physical pain and anguish. This is her story.