


Venomous Snake Bite Leaves Arm Unusable: Yusif’s Story

Venomous Snake Bite Leaves Arm Unusable: Yusif’s Story

Yusif, an 11-year-old boy from Sierra Leone can finally go to school and use his right arm again after his severely deformed limb was operated on by Mercy Ships. Without the free surgery, Yusif’s right hand and arm would have remained severely contracted, leaving him...

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The Africa Mercy® Returns to Madagascar

The Africa Mercy® Returns to Madagascar

In collaboration with the Malagasy government and the Ministry of Health, Mercy Ships has made a tremendous impact across the island nation over the years. Since 1996, there have been 11,000+ life-changing surgical procedures and 65,000+ successful dental procedures....

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The Strength of Unwavering Faith: Marie Elisa’s Story

The Strength of Unwavering Faith: Marie Elisa’s Story

Forty-five-year-old Marie Elisa’s stature may be small, but her faith towers with quiet resilience. Each morning, her feet trace the familiar path she's taken for years as she makes her way to her church in Berangotra, a village in Central Madagascar, for prayers....

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Charting a New Course in 2025 and Beyond

Charting a New Course in 2025 and Beyond

By the age of 10, Fudia had grown accustomed to the daily struggles of walking with severely bowed legs. She’d been born with this orthopaedic condition, and the bewildered stares and ridicule from her community had followed her since she was a baby. “She got rejected...

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A Bright And Brilliant Future For Alex

A Bright And Brilliant Future For Alex

All his friends and family know 23-year-old Alex as someone you can count on. He’s kind and considerate, always going above and beyond to take care of his loved ones. This made it even more devastating for the whole community when Alex began developing a...

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