

Every patient has a name, a face, and a story and Mercy Ships transforms their lives by providing free surgery and medical care.


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Josephine – Children’s Health – General Surgery

Josephine – Children’s Health – General Surgery

Two-year-old Josephine inhaled something that affected her breathing. Her parents, David and Judith, could hear the rattle with every struggling breath. They took her to a local clinic which sent them to an emergency hospital, which sent them to a government hospital,...

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Israel – Childs Health Cleft Lip

Israel – Childs Health Cleft Lip

My name is Simone, and this is the story of my youngest child, Israel. After thirty hours of labour and a last-minute C-section, my son was abruptly brought into the world. But as quickly as he came in, he was taken away by the nurses because I was in such a bad...

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Emmanoel – Childs Health Tumour

Emmanoel – Childs Health Tumour

If not for his surgery this morning, Elodie’s son, Emmanoel, would have died by suffocation before his third birthday. A tumor in his mouth cut off his airway to the point that he was passing out three times a day. Emmanoel’s shallow and labored breathing sounded like...

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Delamou – Child’s Health Facial

There is an imaginary line that goes down the middle of Delamou’s face. It is the line between his “good side” and his “bad side,” between beauty and stigma. On the right is a sweet seven-year-old-boy-smile, and on the left is an area of tissue between his eye, nose...

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Jaka – Child’s Heath Burns

Jaka – Child’s Heath Burns

Four years ago, a little girl named Jaka was spinning around in circles with some other children while her mother was at the market. Around and around, arms out, chin up, her face full of smiles. Tragically, when Jaka lost her balance, she plummeted into her aunt’s...

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Cyrus – Child’s Health Goiter

Cyrus – Child’s Health Goiter

Cyrus was 18 months old and suffered from a cystic hygroma. When local medical people said they could do nothing for Cyrus, his parents travelled to a Mercy Ships screening to see if they could remove the tumour protruding from the infant’s neck. “When I first saw the...

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