

Every patient has a name, a face, and a story and Mercy Ships transforms their lives by providing free surgery and medical care.

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Assiatou’s First Steps

Assiatou’s First Steps

Assiatou leaned forward gingerly, pressing her foot to the ground — heel first, then the sole, until even her toes were flat on the hospital floor. She shuffled forward carefully before a smile broke out across her face. It was only a tiny movement, but for the...

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How the Africa Mercy is Keeping Patients Safe

How the Africa Mercy is Keeping Patients Safe

Anchored in the port of Dakar, Senegal, the Africa Mercy® and her crew are reuniting with their mission to bring hope and healing. After years of preparation during the COVID-19 pandemic, the volunteers on board could not be more ready to welcome patients back on...

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The Africa Mercy Welcomes First Patients in Senegal

The Africa Mercy Welcomes First Patients in Senegal

Two years ago, when the Africa Mercy® sailed from Senegal due to COVID-19, hundreds of patients were left still waiting for their chance for surgery. On February 1st, the ship returned to the port of Dakar to bring hope and healing to these patients and their...

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The journey to hope and healing

Operating a fleet of floating hospitals means managing a host of moving parts. From building relationships with other nations to staffing a crew of volunteer professionals – and, of course, serving our patients – you might say the work on board a Mercy Ship requires a...

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Zakael – Children’s Health

Zakael grins from ear to ear. On a very hot summer day in Madagascar, the seven-year-old wears his shirt open, revealing a small surgical scar just above his left collarbone. He wears the scar proudly, a symbol of where he has been and where he is going. “I want to be...

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William – Mens Health – Eyes

William patiently waits as the bandages from his right eye are removed. The 29-year-old sits perfectly still as his eye is wiped clean. He slowly opens his eye as everyone in the room, including his wife and five-year-old son, wait with bated breath. Silently everyone...

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