by webadmin | Jul 21, 2021 | Patients, Stories
Operating a fleet of floating hospitals means managing a host of moving parts. From building relationships with other nations to staffing a crew of volunteer professionals – and, of course, serving our patients – you might say the work on board a Mercy Ship requires a...
by webadmin | Mar 8, 2021 | Blogs, Stories
Every story of hope and healing begins with a step of faith. And perhaps no step is greater than a mother choosing to trust a ship of strangers with her child. This International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating the women who, despite overwhelming odds, have held onto...
by Kaylee | Jan 6, 2021 | Children, Patients, Stories
Thérèse’s husband was already struggling to provide for their family when Elisabeth was born with a cleft lip and palate. Elisabeth was unable to breastfeed successfully due to her malformed palate, and she began to lose weight dramatically. Even her father thought...
by Kaylee | Oct 1, 2020 | Men, Patients, Stories
The morning sun is already hot, and the lines of people waiting to have their dental problems relieved are long. In the island nation of Madagascar, dental care is expensive and beyond the reach of most. Outside the local hospital gates, 17-year-old Ronaldo stands...
by Kaylee | Oct 1, 2020 | Patients, Stories, Women
GISELE SHOULD HAVE BEEN EXCITED ABOUT HER FUTURE… Since the day she went into labour, Gisele’s life has been shaped by shoulds. She should have delivered her baby normally. When she did not, she should have had emergency obstetric care. Perhaps she should have had a...
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